FlightGear 2020.3.18: Checklists pro Boeing 777-300ER

FlightGear 2020.3.18

Boeing 777–300ER checklists pro FlightGear 2020.3.18
Tento checklist je určen pouze pro simulátorové létání!

Before Starting Engine
Parking brake Test and Set
Throttle Idle
Fuel flow Cut Off
BATT Master Switch On
APU Start → On
left/right power-bus On
Landing Gear Lever Check Down
Flaps Up
Spoilers Down
Fuel Quantity Check
Engine Instruments Check
Flight Controls Free and Correct
Avionics On
ADIRU switch On
Exterior Lights Off
Fasten Seat Belts On
No Smoking On
Check Weather Atis
Altimeter Check and set
Transition Altitude (Hit F11) Check and Set
Trims Set
Auto-pilot Preset
Autobrakes Off
Radio Set
Takeoff briefing Completed
Departure procedure Review
GPWS self-test (press/hold 10 seconds) Done
Anti-ice Test/check
Request Clearance Done
Transponder Standby
Beacon Light On
Contact Ground Done
Strobe Light On
Left/right/(center) fuel pumps ON On
Set #1(left)Engine start knob to Start
At N2 > 20 % fuel flow engine Check
N1 is increasing as N2 incr. Check
Set #2(Right)Engine start knob to Start
At N2 > 20 % fuel flow engine Check
N1 is increasing as N2 incr. Check
After Startup
Time Noted
Start switches Norm
Engine parameters Checked
Hydraulic Pumps On
Window Heat On
Flaps Set for takeoff
Doors Closed
Outside Equipment/Personnel Clear
Flight controls Free and Checked
Lights As requested
Doors Closed
Outside Equipment/Personnel Clear
Cabin Preparation Verify Cabin Ready
Beacon Light On
Nav Light On
Strobe lights Off
Pushback Connected
Parking Brake Off
Pushback Clearance Obtained
Taxi Out
Transponder ALT RPTG OFF
Taxi Lights On
Nav Lights On
Brakes Tested
Instrument Checked
Before Take-off
Contact Tower Done
Take-off/Line-up-clearance Obtained
Transponder TA/RA
Cabin Lights Off
Strobe Lights On
Landing Lights On
Taxi Lights Off
Anti-Ice On
Autobrakes RTO
Time Noted
Auto-pilot Off
Auto-throttles Armed
After Take-off
Positive Climb Check
Landing gear Up
Flaps Up
Spoilers Retracted
Engine Parameters Checked
Auto-pilot Engage and set for climb
Power Speed Set for climb
Lights As requested
Contact Departure Done
10000 Climb
Contact Center Done
Cabin Lights As required
Cockpit Check
Engine Parameters Checked
Landing Light Off
Power Speed Adjust for climb
Fasten Seat Belts Auto
No Smoking Auto
Altimeter Standard
Cockpit Check
Power Speed Adjust for cruise
De Ice As requested
Fuel Quantity Checked
Contact Approach Done
Approach Briefing Completed
Weather Received
Transition Level Check and Set
Power Speed Set for descent
De Ice As requested
Active runway/ILS Set
Minimums Set (radio Alt)
Landing performance (weight) Check
In Range 10000 30 NM
Contact Approach Done
Landing Light On
Air speed 250 IAS Max
Landing Briefing Completed
Before Landing
Contact Tower Done
Cabin Lights Off
Landing Gear Lever Check Down
Flaps Set for landing
Spoilers Armed
Autobrakes Set
Taxi Lights On when clear to land
Minimums Check
Radio Alt Alive (2500 RA) Check
Final check
Flaps Down
Landing Gear Lever Check Down
Minimums Check
Winds Checked
Go Around/Missed Approach
Spoilers Retracted
Flaps As Required
Landing gear Up
Engine Parameters Checked
Auto-pilot Engage and set for climb
Power Speed Set for climb
Lights As requested
Contact Departure Done
Taxi In
Contact Ground Done
Flaps Up
Spoilers Down
Autobrakes Off
Trims Neutral
Transponder ALT RPTG OFF
Landing Lights Off
Taxi Lights On
Nav Lights On
Strobe Lights Off
Auto-pilot Off
A/T Arm Switches Off
F/D switches Off
APU (when necessary) Start
Cabin Lights On
Contact Ramp Done
Taxi Lights Off
Parking Brake Set
Request shutdown clearance obtained
Fuel Control Switches CutOff
Fasten Seat Belts Off
No Smoking Off
Beacon Light Off
Electrical Power Establish
Anti-Ice Off
Fuel pump switches Off
Hydraulic Pumps Off
Window Heat Off
ADIRU switch Off
EMER Lights Switch Off
Audio Selector Panel Set
Exterior Lights Off
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